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Peter Severa Levashov

Peter Severa Levashov

"Peter Levashov is one of the longest operating criminal spam-lords on the internet" — Wikipedia
"Peter Levashov, one of Russia’s most notorious hackers" — Time Magazine

Hello! My name is Peter Severa Levashov, and I am a crypto trader and investor, writer, futurist, ex-hacker. I share my knowledge and experience through a range of exciting projects and books in the fields of cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, programming, and much more.

My Projects:

SeveraAIClub Channel

  • The latest achievements and news in the field of artificial intelligence
  • Forecasts and analysis of technology development
  • Practical advice on applying artificial intelligence in various industries
  • Exciting case studies and usage examples
  • Expert opinions from industry leaders
  • Free GPT-4 Bot

SeveraCryptoClub Channel

  • Daily crypto market news, reviews, and analysis
  • Accurate cryptocurrency signals
  • Automated trading bot
  • Manage your Binance account via API
  • Private channel with exclusive signals and reports

Book "CyberFortress" (2024)

  • Fundamentals of computer security and current protection methods
  • Modern data encryption methods and cryptography
  • Incident response procedures and disaster recovery
  • Legal and regulatory requirements for computer security

Book "Python from Scratch" (2024)

  • An easy and accessible introduction to programming in Python
  • Lots of practical examples and exercises
  • A wide range of important aspects of Python, including OOP, exceptions, regular expressions, and web scraping
  • Valuable tips on coding style and best practices

Book "New Finance" (2024)

  • An accessible introduction to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies
  • The latest trends and innovations in the world of cryptocurrencies, including DeFi, Web3, and NFTs
  • An in-depth analysis of the history, development, and future of blockchain and cryptocurrencies
  • Practical advice on investing and security in the cryptocurrency sphere
  • The impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain on the global economy and society

My YouTube Channel

  • About hackers, AI, crypto, and more
  • Songs and music videos created by me

Personal Consultation

  • Personality development and exploration
  • Assistance in solving a wide range of tasks, questions, and problems
  • Email Marketing Training


My social networks:

For all inquiries, please email me at: [email protected]

Sincerely, Peter Severa Levashov